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What’s Next?



Tonight I am using technology I could never have dreamed of even a few years ago. I am at the top of Chilliwack’s Elk Mountain, in a tent, using my cell phone as a personal Wifi spot for the internet…who would have ever thought?!

I am up here for the “blue moon.” The next one will come around in 2015 and I didn’t want to miss it. Being so so close to God’s creation completes me and I love seeing the bigger picture of what He gave us in the sky. We truly serve an amazing God!!

So what’s next for OL…

Well…Everything! I am convinced that Romans 8:38-39 says it all:

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

We just spent an entire summer working with a number of local churches and I am convinced that the Lord is moving around San Quintin. I have heard their heart and know that revival is close. The Lord is unifying His church and Mexico is on the cusp of revival. So many Pastors pray for the same!



Starting on the first phase of the school, we continue to be diligent in the pursuit of providing a place at Los Olivos for the surrounding churches. As a board moving forward, this land will continue to be used for His glory as a meeting place and support for the local church. Given our plans, this place shall house an evangelical school, orphanage, and multi-purpose center for surrounding ministry. This summer…it has begun!


We need workers to commit time for the building phase of these plans. Currently, we are employing indigenous help, but this ministry is looking for skilled tradesman to work alongside our employees down south to complete this work.

So…this November 3rd we want to share, with you, all the Lord has done this year! One Life will be hosting a celebration night for everyone connected to this ministry. Once again the venue will be at Chilliwack Alliance and we look forward to seeing you all! We will keep you posted with further details in the next few weeks.

Next…for me…I am going to enjoy all the Lord has prepared in the sky tonight!

Thank-you for walking this journey with us!

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