Serving in 2016



I began working with One Life One Chance Ministries and Stoney Creek during the summer after my third year of university (2010). I was studying theology, with an emphasis in missions and evangelism, at Dordt College, and I wanted to do something different with my summer off. I had gone on a trip with Stoney Creek in high school, so I contacted them to ask if I could volunteer that summer, and they took me in! I led house builds for the next two summers, then took a two-year break to lead youth ministry. Since 2013, I have been helping on and off with Stoney Creek again, mostly leading house builds. In the fall of 2015, I was hired by Stoney Creek to lead house builds and provide transportation to groups year-round. What I look forward to each year is seeing the transformation both in the lives of the families we are able to bless, and also in the hearts of group members as they are empowered by seeing God at work in Mexico. I pray that we are sending our teams back to Canada with renewed passion and boldness for sharing the gospel in their own communities.



It all started in 2009, when I did my DTS with YWAM in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. God awoke a desire in me to serve abroad, and he gave me a love for the Latin American culture, language, and people. In 2012, I returned to Santa Cruz for a year and a half and worked at the YWAM base with different schools, and served as a translator. During this trip to Bolivia, God continued to work in my life, transforming my heart. In the summer of 2015 I was blessed with the opportunity to work with OLOCM for the first time, as a translator and ministry staff. It was a wonderful experience, and I am thrilled to be returning this year. I love connecting with the families and children in the community and working with the teams and staff that come down. It’s an opportunity to be used by God in incredible ways, and I am thankful to be a part of something greater than myself.



I was introduced to missions abroad through Stoney Creek Expeditions when I went on my first trip to Mexico in Grade 9. I fell in love with the culture and the amazing people I met, and felt a nudge from God to focus my education in that direction. I was given my first opportunity to work in my field (Latin American Studies) when my husband Duane and I volunteered with OLOCM in the summer of 2014. After working with teams and translating that summer, I felt affirmation that I was doing what God had created me to do. This past fall, we moved to Chilliwack and I was elated to join the Stoney Creek Expeditions team soon afterwards. I am very excited to see the ways God is working through Stoney Creek and OLOCM in the Baja and I want my work to bring glory to God and facilitate life-change through the Holy Spirit for everyone involved.