One of the important works of OLOCM is to support and build unity among the pastors of the San Quintin Valley. We have a network of 45 pastors whom we work with to identify the families with the greatest need. There are many factors used in the selection process:
The house that your team will build is a very simple wood home on a 20×22 foot concrete slab with one door and four windows. No special skills are needed for construction – even if you have never picked up a hammer in your life, you can still build this house. Most of our visiting teams spend 3 or 4 days building with a minimum of 4 to maximum of 20 people. If your group is larger, you may want to consider building an additional house or becoming involved in other current ministry. When your group arrives at the job site you will see that a 20×22 foot slab has already been poured. You will also see the lumber, nails, roofing materials, etc. for your house. Your building supervisor will supply you with the tools you need, ensure you have all necessary building materials, and provide continual direction for the construction process. We suggest that you bring your own work gloves, a hat, and sunscreen lotion. It is important to note that AT THIS TIME the cost of a house build is approximately $4,100.00-$4,500.00 CDN. During a week of interaction with the family some groups choose to provide additional features to the house. These additions are not included in the basic cost and neither Stoney Creek nor the family expects your team to provide these items. These extras should be included only as the Lord leads. We encourage teams to intentionally interact with the family and consider any tangible needs that you could address. If you would like to provide additional household items for your family, please bring extra cash to cover the cost of this (Mexican pesos are preferred). You will find a price list of these extra items in the info book.
The house build usually takes four days to build. The following is an estimate of what your day-to-day schedule may look like.
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:
Each year we build 20 or more houses. Our equipment and tools that we provide for the groups often need replacing. If you are interested in helping us in this manner, here is a list of some of the equipment we regularly need to replace: