Jesus Rose From The Dead
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2012
Not much else to say. We serve a God that died and was raised from the dead three days later. I put everything I am and who I want to be on the man that paid a complete price for the things that I could never erace (2 Corinthians 5:13-15).
I gained another birthday this month and it came with a lot of reflection. I am midway in my life and I am running faster to the urgency of not hiding my inheritance in the sand. With so many lives in play…seven billion the last time I heard…shouldn’t everyone be given the Word so they can make a choice?
On the way up to the States today, I was talking to my cousin about the amazing work Wycliffe was doing in the world ( Statistically, there is a lot of work to be done (
…given, it is wycliffe’s vision to see every tongue have the Word by 2025…13 years from now (
Jesus rose from the dead so all will know He is Lord and establish that He is the way to salvation (John 14:6). So, I am really excited by those who are making the way possible by this hard work and thankless hours.
In our corner of the world, the property at Los Olivos continues to be used by the Lord. What I smile at is the way non-indigenous groups have to work around indigenous ministry on the site. This week we will be welcoming two incoming teams and providing shelter to three families. Praise the Lord for those who give up time and resources. However, these teams will be eclipsed by three times their number by local churches and an indigenous church on site. PTL!
Work continues on the base to make way for the school. Gravel arrived yesterday to fill the void where dirt was removed for the new pool entrance and walkway to the school admin building. It took a couple of weeks but, footings are in and a few local trades are building the rebar for the outside posts to the Prayer room and office. PTL for answered prayer! Continue to pray for skilled help.
With bus issues today, I was humbled by Broadway’s singing of praise at the most critical of times and hills. Even the mechanic who corrected the problem said right off, that we should not have been so lucky. For those wondering, I blew a turbo line on the way back to the USA on the One Life bus…lots of smoke and oil everywhere (could have been really bad)
On Monday, a whole lot of lives will interact with those that have been prayed over for months. I can’t say what that means on an eternal scale, but may the Lord be glorified. If it is was only for one soul, than it was worth all the obedience and sacrifice.
Continue to keep us in prayer as the staff, help, and ministers around the base connect to the local church durning this difficut time.